
Phoebe Bridgers Credit: Frank Ockenfels

Baby, it’s Halloween. We can be anything.

I first heard of Phoebe Bridgers via Pitchfork’s Best New Album’s feed and later discovered that I’d already been listening to her as part of Better Oblivion Community Center. Her latest album Punisher deserves the accolades that its been receiving.

Sometimes there is a song that hits you at just the right moment. The concept is simple: its Halloween, we can dress up as anyone. For me, it represents something deeper. Reinventing yourself and rediscovering life.

Maybe its the mid-life crisis talking but my wife and I are ripe for change. Everything we’ve been doing feels like old skin ready to molt. We are eager to pick up and do something different.

Halloween not only gives voice to that longing, but pours fuel on the fire. There is a freedom and hope tied into letting old things die and embracing what could be. Maybe we are over-romanticizing, but we can’t just let life happen. We don’t need control. We just want adventure.

New jobs, city, home, everything feels like the first breath of fresh air after wearing a mask.


I recognize there high degree of privilege in being able to move. Many in the country are economically boxed in. Emprisoned in their own community without the means to leave. I want this kind of freedom for everyone and not just my family.